5 April 2012

Rehearsal Diary – Week #4

We roll smoothly into week four with just as much vigor as week one. Actually 'roll' and 'smoothly' are not really apt. What really happened is that we dived head first into the mass abyss of Beyond, at times we floated, at times we soared, at times we plummeted, but always hand-in-hand, just on the edge of being safe, always trusting that we will find our way. And we always do. And it feels so good. So very very good. We crack it and then we lose it and then we crack it all over again, but this time we really crack it, no doubt there will be some more losses, some more blind fumbling before the end, but at the moment we have clear sight surging us forward.

Morning warm ups continue to have been wonderful, with yet more people coming out of the woodwork. Where are you all coming from?! Today was the only day in four weeks that we didn't have anybody 'new' in the room. Seasoned warm up people only today and it meant we could push it even further. We are making some real friends with those that come regularly, and loving meeting those of you that pass by occasionally leaving a big sweaty puddle in your wake. So keep it up Bristol artists, we are running for another two and half weeks, so there's still time to pay your £1 and get super fit with the Beyond-ites!

Here's some things that spring to mind from the last week of the Beyond laboratory: breaking... fixing... power... being masculine... being feminine... laughing like never ever before... tears of joy rolling down many cheeks... sore abs (not from the sit ups but from the laughter)... the milkshake/cocktail... laughing heads on laughing tummies... bonding... trusting... a safe place... audience at the window... cake in the park... more jar revision... the unveiling of exciting design plans... there's going to be a solo... more jar rules... more jar culling... lengthy jar time... missing each other at the weekend... feeling violated... who touched our stuff?... someone nicked our flyer box... adding Izzie to jars... door banging... heart to hearts... check ins... growing up... reliving puberty... voices breaking... it was difficult becomes more difficult... four ticks... our first small audience... anxieties... performing... Fionn's wise words... middle of the night realisations... we must go beyond... we must go beyond... we must go beyond... be self... be in the present... experience... live... a new energy... a new understanding... a new audience... just being... we found something. Now we need to get silly again!

Thank you Beyond team for another incredible week - especially my performers who I continue to be humbled by every single day. You are a very very special group of people and I am so grateful for everything you are.

Jon - Technical notes become thin on the ground at this end of the process. The director sits bolt upright in the middle of the night and says 'we need to go beyond'. This morning as Bristol in all its shapes, moods and colours streams past the window we talk about what "it" is. 'Invent nothing deny nothing', 'invite being seen by seeing'. The best of the esoteric arsenal bubbles out of us as impassioned as the first time it was formulated. Its not just words, its a breathing commitment to uncover and uncover and uncover and then not stop. We do an American football style hands in the middle, everyone looking in the eyes of the others. There's no irony, its us making promises from the bottom of our heart to ourselves and each other, its an invitation to grace. We lunch, digest. Then we do it. The piece sings, it soars, it crashes and then laughs from the pit of its stomach. Its beautiful and dangerous and those few souls who saw it are bubbling with stuff to say fresh from the sea of experience.

Chek - Getting drunk on the experience allowing the work to absorb every part of you. Finding through listening. Trusting you will hear. Knowing there are places you are unwelcome and sacred constellations not to be intruded upon. I encounter boundaries, which confuse me. May be I didn't find the essence in time and I'm out. Searching for the epicentre, to go beyond the safe yet remain within the framework, the structure of the jar. Never free improvised explorations but further exploration of the essence of every jar we open. The more we search the more we find and the further we can go. I fight the fear and force myself to transmute fear to excitement. I grab the courage to go there but go further through the there. I can only share who I am at that moment where we meet. I always desire that encounter and cherish that moment and regret when that moment passes and I missed my chance with you. LET GO and find the next.

See you at morning class everyone!